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Blueshape Energy Inside, leading manufacturer of batteries, chargers, and accessories for film professionals.

About Blueshape

Blueshape Energy Inside is an European brand with its base in Reggio Emilia, a city located in the northen Italy. After the positive feedback received from customers all over the world, BlueShape management decided to explore other fields of work to produce other useful broadcast products. First to become part of the extended catalog were chargers and accessories, such as camera mounting plates, followed immediately after by the release of innovative software systems for battery monitoring and testing.


The mission of the company is to provide end-users with a selection of products that never fail to reach or exceed the expected levels in terms of quality performance and lifetime. Blueshape engineers are continually studying camera operators’ requirements in order to further improve the merits and efficacy of the existing product range and  design new ones to better cater to their needs.

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